Pudding with vanilla flavor on the glass



1 Stir the sachet of pudding with vanilla flavor with 4 tablespoons of sugar and 10 tablespoons milk.
2 Put the rest of the milk in a saucepan to heat. Pour the pudding composition in warm milk and stir until thickened on fire. Allow to cool completely.
3 Pour the vanilla pudding in a serving cup. Add sour cherries, cocoa ice cream, chocolate sauce and decorate with wafer rolls.


For 4 servings

Ice cream
Sour cherries
Chocolate sauce

Waffle rolls
1 sachet vanilla pudding
500 ml milk
4 tablespoons of sugar

Products used in this recipe

0,17 EUR
(TVA inclus)

Buddy pudding powder is the best friend of the children and of all those who ...